
New visual spectrophotometric observations of non-supergiant solar neighborhood stars are combined with IUE Newly Extracted Spectra (INES) energy distributions in order to derive their overall metallicities, [M/H]. This fundamental parameter, together with effective temperature and apparent angular diameter, is obtained by applying the flux-fitting method while surface gravity is derived from the comparison with evolutionary tracks in the theoretical H-R diagram. Trigonometric parallaxes for the stars of the sample are taken from the Hipparcos Catalogue. The quality of the flux calibration is discussed by analyzing a test sample via comparison with external photometry. The validity of the method in providing accurate metallicities is tested on a selected sample of G-type stars with well-determined atmospheric parameters from recent high-resolution spectral analysis. The extension of the overall procedure to the determination of the chemical composition of all the INES non-supergiant G-type stars with accurate parallaxes is planned in order to investigate their atmospheric temperature structure.

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