
view Abstract Citations (120) References (33) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Metal-rich globular clusters in the Galaxy. V. A photometric study of 47 Tucanae. Hesser, J. E. ; Hartwick, F. D. A. Abstract Magnitudes and colors on the UBV system are given for 97 photoelectrically measured 47 Tuc stars having 8.98 < B < 19.9 mag; the stars are predominantly located in the SW quadrant of 47 Tuc where contamination by SMC stars is minimized. Photographic V and (B - V) values are also given for three samples of stars: (i) a uniform sample of 1500 stars located in the SW quadrant, upon which the conclusions of our 1974 paper were based; (ii) a group consisting of 600 stars brighter than V 14.6 mag chosen from a large area centered on the cluster; (ili) a sample of 1100 stars in the NE quadrant. The photographic data are used to construct colormagnitude diagrams and luminosity functions of the cluster. We find that the giant branch appears to have a relatively broad peak at V 13.1 mag and a narrower peak at V 12.4 mag, suggesting that evolution up the asymptotic branch of 47 Tuc is not smooth. An integrated (B - V) = 0.88 mag is found for the outer regions of 47 Tuc by summing our photographic magnitudes to Mv 5.8. Subject headings: clusters: globular - stars: Population II Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Pub Date: March 1977 DOI: 10.1086/190431 Bibcode: 1977ApJS...33..361H Keywords: Globular Clusters; Stellar Luminosity; Tables (Data); Ubv Spectra; Electrophotometers; Giant Stars; Metallic Stars; Stellar Evolution; Stellar Spectrophotometry; Astronomy full text sources ADS | data products SIMBAD (32) GCPD (1) Related Materials (4) Part 1: 1972ApJ...175...77H Part 2: 1973ApJ...185..887H Part 3: 1976ApJ...203...97H Part 4: 1976ApJ...203..113H

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