
In streams receiving acid-rock and mine drainage, the abundant precipitation of iron minerals can alter how groundwater and surface water mix along streams (in what is known as the "hyporheic zone") and may shape the distribution of microbial communities. The findings presented here suggest that neutral pH streams with large, well-mixed hyporheic zones may harbor and transport diverse microorganisms attached to particles/colloids through hyporheic pore spaces. In acidic streams where metal oxides clog pore spaces and limit hyporheic exchange, iron-oxidizing bacteria may dominate and phylogenetic diversity becomes low. The abundance of iron-oxidizing bacteria in acid mine drainage streams has the potential to contribute to additional clogging of hyporheic pore spaces and the accumulation of toxic metals in the hyporheic zone. This research highlights the dynamic interplay between hydrology, geochemistry, and microbiology at the groundwater-surface water interface of acid mine drainage streams.

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