
FEM-analysis is used to study thermo-mechanical conditions in aluminum rod extrusion for billets with large size corresponding to that used in industrial production. In the analysis, focus is on how the metal flow and the temperature conditions in the extrusion material is affected by the extrusion velocity in terms of the ram speed used in the extrusion process. In the study, metal flow is characterized by the deformations in extrusion subjected to a perfect grid pattern, consisting of orthogonal crossing lines, added into the longitudinal mid-plane of the initial billet. The analysis shows that metal flow in extrusion conducted at a low ram speed of 1 mms−1, is predicted significantly different from that at a high speed of 5 mms−1, or above. As regards the thermal conditions in the extrusion material, they are also predicted significantly different, at the low and the high ram speed level. A likely explanation why metal flow is different at low and high ram speeds may be that flow is altered because of the concurrent change in the temperature field within the billet.

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