
Treasure hunting is one of the things that people have been interested in and engaged in for many years. Because land is a treasure and extremely important for human life. The land provides us with food and nourishment. Without land and water, there would certainly be no life. People and societies have always relied on land. It was like that in the past and it is like that today. The world has been struggling with wars and social problems for many years. In ancient times, metals such as gold were much more valuable and were even used as money at some point. For this reason, ancient peoples, tribes, and states had a lot of physical gold and similar precious metals. During the war, these precious metals were hidden in the ground in response to the risk of theft or loss, and this was symbolized by certain maps and signs. However, it was not always possible to return to the lands abandoned during social unrest and wars. For this reason, the gold remained in the places where it was buried and has somehow survived to this day in existing maps and similar diagrams. For this reason, people today believe that there is gold in the soil and in certain regions, and in this sense they seriously search for treasure. Today is the age of technology. Taking advantage of technology is one of the most important rules of treasure hunting. The most important technological tools in treasure hunting are detectors. So what is detector logic? How does it work and what types of detectors are there? Let's try to explain this in the article.The most commonly used type of detector is metal detectors. The logic of the metal detector is based on the electronic working principle. These types of detectors work according to the logic of receiving and sending electromagnetic waves. These devices send certain electromagnetic waves to the area to be searched and scanned. When it detects a metal object, it generates a current. This generated current affects the coils and some signal changes start to warn. This generated current reaches the speaker through sound systems and warns the person. Briefly speaking, the logic of the detector can be explained as follows. Different types of metal detectors are also used in this field. One of them is Bfo type detectors. It has a search coil and a single coil at the end. If the coil approaches any metal, the frequency changes and is compared with other frequencies. There are two types of detectors: 2 transistors 1 integrated and 7 transistors. The first has two coils at the search end. And this type of detector is sensitive to the signal. One of the coils is receiving and the other is transmitting. Here again, the collected frequencies reach the coils and the sound is transmitted to the speaker as current. The user receives alerts and directs his work here. Another has a working system that is sensitive to the signal phase. Another different type of detector is the detector based on the pulse system. The logic of the detector in this system is slightly different. There is only one coil in the search coil. A high current pulse is supplied to this coil for a short period of time. This creates a high magnetic field around. After finishing the conversion, it scans the surroundings and sends a signal if it detects something. If there is metal, it makes a loud sound and in this way the seeker works in a certain direction. Keywords: Working principle of metal detector, types of metal detector, IB induction balance detector, PI shock induction detector.

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