
The role of metals and metalloids beyond arsenic, copper, lead and cadmium in cardiovascular disease is not entirely clear. The aim of this study was to assess the association between 18 metal or metalloid levels in topsoil (upper soil horizon) with all-cause and specific cardiovascular mortality endpoints in Spain. We designed an ecological spatial study, to assess cardiovascular mortality in 7941 Spanish mainland towns from 2010 to 2014. The estimation of metals and metalloids concentration in topsoil came from the Geochemical Atlas of Spain from 13,317 soil samples. We also summarized the joint variability of the metals using principal components analysis (PCA). These components (PCs) were included in a Besag, York, and Mollié model to assess their association with cardiovascular mortality from all causes, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular, hypertension, and conduction disorders. Our results showed, both in men and women, that at the lowest component scores range, PC2 (mainly reflecting Al, Be, Tl and U) was positively associated with coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular mortality. At medium/highest scores range, PC4 (mainly reflecting Hg) was positively associated with cerebrovascular mortality. For PC3 (reflecting Se), the association with coronary heart disease mortality was positive only in men at the highest PC scores range. For PC1 (partly reflecting metals such as Pb, As, Cu or Cd), we observed a strongly suggestive positive association with all-cause cardiovascular diseases mortality. Our ecological results are consistent with the available evidence supporting a cardiovascular role of excessive exposure to Se, Hg, Pb, As, Cu and Cd, but also identify Al, Be, Tl and U as potentially novel cardiovascular factors. Additional research is needed to confirm the biological relevance of our findings.

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