
The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of 11 metals in the soil of asbestos tailings in Stragari, Serbia, and in the selected plant species that grow on it, to determine the ability of the plant species in accumulation and tolerance of researched metals. Concentrations of elements researched in the soil had this order: Mg> Fe> Ca> Ni> Cr> Mn> Co> Zn> Pb> Cu> Cd. Concentrations of the metals in plants was variable, dependent on the plant species and types of metals, and graded in the order: Mg> Ca> Fe> Ni> Mn> Cr> Zn> Co> Pb> Cu> Cd. The concentrations of Ni and Cr in the investigated soil were above remediation values, as well as the maximum allowable concentration of substances in the soil according to regulation of Republic of Serbia, and the concentration of Cd and Co were above limit values for a given metals in the soil. The metal uptake does not necessarily correlate with metal content in the soil. Metal uptake by plants depends on the bioavailability of the metal in soils, which in turn depends on the retention time of the metal, as well as the interaction with other elements and substances. However, the most Mg, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, Co and Cr were found in species Sanguisorba minor, Ca and Cu in Eryngium serbicum, Ni in Alyssum murale, and Zn in Euphorbia cyparissias. In the Euphorbia cyparissias, it were determined the biological absorption coefficients greater than 1 for Zn and Cu, and in the species Eryngium serbicum and Sanguisorba minor greater than 2 for Cu. The results of this study emphasize the tolerance of several metal by species Sanguisorba minor, present the ability of Euphorbia cyparissias in accumulation of Zn and Cu, as well as of Eryngium serbicum and Sanguisorba minor in accumulation of Cu. Obtained results present the momentary picture of investigated locality, open a lot of questions connected with relationships soil/plant, contents of elements in both systems, their interactions and influences and represented the base for further research.


  • Средње вредности концентрација испитиваних метала у земљишту и одабраним биљкама на локалитету Котража приказане су у Табели 1

  • In the Euphorbia cyparissias, it were determined the biological absorption coefficients greater than 1 for Zn and Cu, and in the species Eryngium serbicum and Sanguisorba minor greater than 2 for Cu. The results of this study emphasize the tolerance of several metal by species Sanguisorba minor, present the ability of Euphorbia cyparissias in accumulation of Zn and Cu, as well as of Eryngium serbicum and Sanguisorba minor in accumulation of Cu. Obtained results present the momentary picture of investigated locality, open a lot of questions connected with relationships soil/plant, contents of elements in both systems, their interactions and influences and represented the base for further research

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Земљиште представља смешу стена различитог минералног састава и хумуса (органске компоненте земљишта која представља биљне и животињске остатке минерализоване у различитом степену). Геолошка подлога и на њој настала земљишта, као скуп еколошких фактора утичу на дивергенцију биљних облика и вегетацијских јединица. Поред хемијског састава геолошке подлоге, на вегетацију која се на њој развија значајан утицај имају физичка структура и квантитативан однос појединих елемената и њихових соли у земљишту. Љања производње и затварања фабрике, тако да је надомак копа формирано јаловиште на коме су одлагане велике количине материјала насталог после процеса прераде азбеста. Циљ овог рада био је да се одреде концентрације 11 метала у земљишту на поменутом јаловишту азбеста, као и у одабраним врстама биљака које на њему расту, и испита која од њих показује најбољу акумулацију испитиваних метала, односно толеранцију

Методе анализе
Euphorbia cyparissias
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