
In this work, we present an extension of the generalized covering salesman problem as distance constrained generalized m-covering salesman problem. Given a set of vertices including a depot, facilities, customer locations and demand associated with each customer location, the objective is to determine an optimal tour of each salesman such that the total covered demand is maximized and the tour length is minimized. A bi-objective mixed-integer programming model is formulated for the problem. The proposed model is solved using GUROBI 8.0 solver’s in-built hierarchical optimization approach. However, the computational complexity of the problem demands a specialized solution approach. To solve the problem efficiently, we propose two metaheuristics ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm and greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP). Extensive computational experiments were performed using the benchmark instances from the literature. The results of computational experiments show the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed metaheuristics algorithms. Although, the GRASP metaheuristics outperform the ACO algorithm in case of medium and large size instances.

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