
Toddy is a popular fermented palm beverage of India. No scientific information on shotgun metagenomics and metabolomics are available on toddy of India till date. Hence, we choose the fermented date palm beverage, locally called khejur toddy, of West Bengal and Jharkhand states of India, to profile microbial community, their targeted and untargeted metabolites to study the putative bio-functional genes corresponding to regulatory metabolic pathways. Shotgun-based metataxonomic analyses revealed the existence of all domains where bacteria were the most abundant domain (94.48%) followed by eukaryotes (3.38%), viruses (1.53%) and archaea (0.61%). Overall, 54 phyla, 363 families, 1087 genera and 1885 species were observed and identified. Bacillota (49.3%) was the most abundant bacterial phylum. At species level, several species of bacteria and yeasts were detected in toddy samples which included Leuconostoc mesenteroides,Leuconostoc citreum,Lactobacillus helveticus,Lactiplantibacillus plantarum,Lactococcus lactis, Acetobacter malorum, Gluconobacter japonicus, Gluconacetobacter liquefaciens, Fructobacillus durionis, Zymomonas mobilis and yeastsSaccharomyces cerevisiae, Hanseniaspora uvarumandHanseniaspora guilliermondii. Toddy metagenome was also compared with metagenome of pulque, the Mexican fermented fresh sap ofAgave, which was retrieved from NCBI database, and also with metagenomic data of some amplicon-based previous studies on toddy and African fermented palm drink for similarity, dissimilarity and uniqueness among them. Predictive biosynthesis of ethanol, acetic acid, butanoate, linalool, staurosporine, prodigiosin, folic acid, riboflavin, etc. were annotated by KEGG/COG database. Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) analysis detected 23 arrays (average length 23.69 bp ± 4.28). Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD) analysis did not show the presence of any momentous antibiotic resistance gene among the major microbial members. Metabolomics analysis detected many primary and secondary metabolites. We believe this is the first report on complete shotgun metagenomics, and metabolomics of fermented palm drink of India as well as Eastern India.

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