
Contents: Preface. Part I: Metacognition and Theory. P.L. Griffith, J. Ruan, What Is Metacognition and What Should Be Its Role in Literacy Instruction? J. Randi, E.L. Grigorenko, R.J. Sternberg, Revisiting Definitions of Reading Comprehension: Just What Is Reading Comprehension Anyway? S.J. Samuels, K-A.M. Ediger, J.R. Willcutt, T.J. Palumbo, Role of Automaticity in Metacognition and Literacy Instruction. L. Baker, Developmental Differences in Metacognition: Implications for Metacognitively Oriented Reading Instruction. Part II: Metacognition and Assessment. C.C. Block, What Are Metacognitive Assessments? M.C. Schmitt, Measuring Students' Awareness and Control of Strategic Processes. S.G. Paris, J. Flukes, Assessing Children's Metacognition About Strategic Reading. P. Afflerbach, K. Meuwissen, Teaching and Learning Self-Assessment Strategies in Middle School. K.L. Bauserman, Metacognitive Processes Inventory: An Informal Instrument to Assess a Student's Developmental Level of Metacognition. Part III: Metacognition and Literacy Instruction. S.E. Israel, D. Massey, Metacognitive Think-Alouds: Using a Gradual Release Model With Middle School Students. L.M. Joseph, The Role of Self-Monitoring in Literacy Learning. F.J. Schrieber, Metacognition and Self-Regulation in Literacy. S.J. Donndelinger, Integrating Comprehension and Metacognitive Reading Strategies. P.A. Smith, A Window Into a Thinking Classroom. C. Cummins, M.T. Stewart, C.C. Block, Teaching Several Metacognitive Strategies Together Increases Students' Independent Metacognition. Part IV: Metacognition and Professional Development. G.R. Duffy, Developing Metacognitive Teachers: Visioning and the Expert's Changing Role in Teacher Education and Professional Development. V.J. Risko, K. Roskos, C. Vukelich, Reflection and the Self-Analytic Turn of Mind: Toward More Robust Instruction in Teacher Education. C.L. Bowman, M. Galvez-Martin, M. Morrison, Developing Reflection in Preservice Teachers. C.A. Rosemary, Teacher Learning Instrument: A Metacognitive Tool for Improving Literacy Teaching. K. Kinnucan-Welsch, Coaching for Metacognitive Instructional Practice. M. Pressley, Final Reflections: Metacognition in Literacy Learning: Then, Now, and in the Future.

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