
Using machine learning methods to estimate brain effective connectivity networks from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data has gradually become one of the hot subjects in the fields of neuroscience. In particular, the encoder–decoder based methods can effectively extract the connections in fMRI time series, which have achieved promising performance. However, these methods generally use Granger causality model, which may identify false directions due to the non-stationary characteristic of fMRI data. Additionally, fMRI datasets have limited sample sizes, which significantly constrains the development of these methods. In this paper, we propose a novel brain effective connectivity estimation method based on causal autoencoder with meta-knowledge transfer, called MetaCAE. The proposed approach employs a causal autoencoder (CAE) to extract causal dependencies from non-stationary fMRI time series, and leverages meta-knowledge transfer to improve the estimation accuracy on small-sample data. More specifically, MetaCAE first employs a temporal convolutional encoder to extract non-stationary temporal information from fMRI time series. Then it uses a structural equation model-based decoder to decode causal relationships between brain regions. Finally, it utilizes a model-agnostic meta-learning method to learn the meta-knowledge of the shared brain effective connectivity among different subjects, and transfers the meta-knowledge to the CAE to enhance its estimation ability on small-sample fMRI data. Comprehensive experiments on both simulated and real-world data demonstrate the efficacy of MetaCAE in estimating brain effective connectivity.

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