
Metabolomics is a multi-discipline approach to systems biology that provides a snapshot of the metabolic status of a cell, tissue, or organism. Metabolomics uses mass spectroscopy (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to analyze biological samples for low molecular weight metabolites. Normalize urine sample pre-acquisition to perform a targeted quantitative analysis of selected metabolites in rat urine. Urine samples were provided from rats on a control diet (n = 10) and moderate sucrose diet (n = 8) collected in a metabolic cage during an eight hour fast. Urine from each sample was prepared by two different methods. One sample was a non-normalized sample of 1200µL and the second sample was a variable volume-normalized to the concentration of urobilin in a standard sample of urine. The urobilin concentration in all samples was determined by fluorescence. Ten metabolites for each non-normalized and normalized urine sample were quantified by integration to an internal standard of DSS. Both groups showed an improvement in pH range going from non-normalized to normalized samples. In the group on the control diet, eight metabolites had significant improvement in range, while the remaining two metabolites had insignificant improvement in range comparing the non-normalized sample to the normalized sample. In the group on the moderate sucrose diet all ten metabolites showed significant improvement in range going from non-normalized to normalized samples. These findings describe a pre-acquisition method of urine normalization to adjust for differences in hydration state of each organism. This results in a narrower concentration range in a targeted analysis.

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