
1. 1. Otala lactea are induced to arouse from dormancy at 20°C by increasing the relative humidity to 85%. The metabolic rate rises just prior to emergence. 2. 2. Oxygen consumption/g of dormant and active snails is related to body wt. The least squares regression lines relating the two variables are as follows: log V ̇ O 2 = 1.99 − 1.01 log W for dormant snails log V ̇ O 2 = 2.07 − 0.43 log W for active snails log V ̇ O 2 = 2.32 − 0.47 log W for peak activity where V̇O 2 is μl O 2/g × hr and W is body wt in g. 3. 3. Peak metabolic rate is on the average 6 times higher than the average dormant rate. 4. 4. The slope relating metabolism to body wt appears to differ in dormant and active snails. Since small snails have higher metabolic rates/g than large, their potential length of dormancy should be correspondingly reduced.

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