
The aim of the present study was to examine the role of nutritional status, the metabolic hormone ghrelin and their interrelationships in the control of chicken hormones involved in the regulation of reproduction. For this purpose, we identified the effect of food deprivation, administration of ghrelin 1-18 and their combination on plasma levels of testosterone (T), estradiol (E), arginine-vasotocin (AVT) and growth hormone (GH) as well as the release of these hormones by isolated and cultured ovarian fragments. It was observed that food deprivation reduces plasma T and E and increases plasma AVT and GH levels. Food restriction also reduced the amount of E produced by isolated ovaries, but it did not affect the ovarian secretion of T and AVT. No ovarian GH secretion was detected. Ghrelin administered to ad libitum fed chickens did not affect plasma T and E levels, but it did increase plasma GH and AVT concentrations. Moreover, it partially prevented the effect of food deprivation on plasma E and AVT levels, but not on T or GH levels. Ghrelin administration to control birds promoted ovarian T, but not E or AVT release and reduced T and no other hormonal outputs in birds subjected to food restriction. Our results (1) confirmed the ovarian origin of the main plasma T and E and the extra-ovarian origin of the main blood AVT and GH; (2) showed that food deprivation-induced suppression of reproduction may be caused by suppression of T and E and the promotion of AVT and GH release; (3) suggest the involvement of ghrelin in control chicken E, AVT and GH output; and (4) indicates that ghrelin can either mimic or modify the effect of the intake of low calories on chicken plasma and ovarian hormones, i.e. it can mediate the effect of metabolic state on hormones involved in the control of reproduction.

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