
Mating and transfer of male sex peptide (SP), or transgenic expression of SP, causes inflammation and decreased life span in female Drosophila. Mifepristone rescues these effects, yielding dramatic increases in life span. Here targeted metabolomics data were integrated with further analysis of extant transcriptomic data. Each of 7 genes positively correlated with life span were expressed in the brain or eye and involved regulation of gene expression and signaling. Genes negatively correlated with life span were preferentially expressed in midgut and involved protein degradation, amino acid metabolism, and immune response. Across all conditions, life span was positively correlated with muscle breakdown product 1/3-methylhistidine and purine breakdown product urate, and negatively correlated with tryptophan breakdown product kynurenic acid, suggesting a SP-induced shift from somatic maintenance/turnover pathways to the costly production of energy and lipids from dietary amino acids. Some limited overlap was observed between genes regulated by mifepristone and genes known to be regulated by ecdysone; however, mifepristone was unable to compete with ecdysone for activation of an ecdysone-responsive transgenic reporter. In contrast, genes regulated by mifepristone were highly enriched for genes regulated by juvenile hormone (JH), and mifepristone rescued the negative effect of JH analog methoprene on life span in adult virgin females. The data indicate that mifepristone increases life span and decreases inflammation in mated females by antagonizing JH signaling downstream of male SP. Finally, mifepristone increased life span of mated, but not unmated, Caenorhabditis elegans, in 2 of 3 trials, suggesting possible evolutionary conservation of mifepristone mechanisms.

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