
Simple SummaryThis study is based on a large dataset and re-evaluates data on the metabolic rate, providing new insights into the similarities and differences across different groups of birds and mammals. We compared six taxonomic groups of mammals and birds according to their energetic characteristics and the geological time of evolutionary origin. The overall metabolic rate of a taxonomic group increases with the geological time of evolutionary origin. The terrestrial mammals and flightless birds have almost equal metabolic levels. The higher the metabolic rate in a group, the less it increases within increasing body size in this group.Analysis of metabolic scaling in currently living endothermic animal species allowed us to show how the relationship between body mass and the basal metabolic rate (BMR) has evolved in the history of endothermic vertebrates. We compared six taxonomic groups according to their energetic characteristics and the time of evolutionary divergence. We transformed the slope of the regression lines to the common value and analyzed three criteria for comparing BMR of different taxa regardless of body size. Correlation between average field metabolic rate (FMR) of the group and its average BMR was shown. We evaluated the efficiency of self-maintenance in ordinary life (defined BMR/FMR) in six main groups of endotherms. Our study has shown that metabolic scaling in the main groups of endothermic animals correlates with their evolutionary age: the younger the group, the higher the metabolic rate, but the rate increases more slowly with increasing body weight. We found negative linear relationship for scaling exponents and the allometric coefficient in five groups of endotherms: in units of mL O2/h per g, in relative units of allometric coefficients, and also in level or scaling elevation. Mammals that diverged from the main vertebrate stem earlier have a higher “b” exponent than later divergent birds. A new approach using three criteria for comparing BMR of different taxa regardless of body mass will be useful for many biological size-scaling relationships that follow the power function.

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