
The purpose of this study was to compare the metabolism of chicken and porcine glucagon in the turkey hen. Six hens each were infused with either porcine or chicken glucagon (16.6 μg/kg body weight). Blood samples were obtained at intervals pre- and post-infusion and analyzed for glucagon, glucose, insulin, free fatty acids, thyroxine (T 4) and triiodothyronine (T 3). The half-life (T 1 2 ) of porcine (4.5 min) and chicken glucagon (5.5 min) were similar. A 13% increase in glucose concentrations occurred within 10 min and remained elevated (22%) for 2 hr. A concomitant increase in insulin was noted, though not significant from pre-injection levels. A 50% increase in free fatty acids occurred in 2 min, reaching a zenith at 10–15 min post-treatment, and returned to baseline by 2 hr. Significant ( P < 0.05) decreases in the circulating concentrations of both T 3 and T 4 hormones were observed within 5–10 min post-glucagon treatment and remained suppressed for the duration of sampling. These data indicate that the hormonal and metabolic responses of female turkeys to mammalian and avian glucagon are similar.

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