
Among the few existing works on seasonal variation in metabolic rate of polar species, most have been conducted during summer due to logistic constraints and have been focused on species that cease feeding during winter. In this work, we present the first extensive data set on the seasonal variation in metabolic rate of G. antarctica, an abundant amphipod that feeds throughout the year, and its relationship with body size, potential food availability and temperature. We measured the resting metabolic rate (RMR) of groups of individuals during 6 months from late summer through winter at 4 experimental temperatures and for a wide range of body size. RMR had a negative allometric scaling with body size and showed a tendency to increase with temperature as expected. However, temperature and body size effects on RMR showed a significant temporal variation, and an increase in temperature decreased scaling exponents. RMR at the mean seawater temperature throughout the study showed a strong seasonal variation following food availability: RMR decreased from the end of summer through winter, coinciding with a reduction in microphytobenthos stock, but recovered summer values in August, when an epontic algae boom occurred. The seasonal factorial aerobic scope (×2.37) is lower than benthic Antarctic invertebrates that cease feeding during winter, in agreement with what is expected based on theoretical grounds. Results suggest that seasonal variation of RMR would allow G. antarctica to achieve a high efficiency in energy utilization, while maintaining the ability to exploit sudden changes in food supply.

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