
Ester-linked p-hydroxybenzoate occurs naturally in poplar lignin as pendent groups that can be released by mild alkaline hydrolysis. These 'clip-off' phenolics can be separated from biomass and upgraded into diverse high-value bioproducts. We introduced a bacterial chorismate pyruvate lyase gene into transgenic poplar trees with the aim of producing more p-hydroxybenzoate from chorismate, itself a metabolic precursor to lignin. By driving heterologous expression specifically in the plastids of cells undergoing secondary wall formation, this strategy achieved a 50% increase in cell-wall-bound p-hydroxybenzoate in mature wood and nearly 10 times more in developing xylem relative to control trees. Comparable amounts also remained as soluble p-hydroxybenzoate-containing xylem metabolites, pointing to even greater engineering potential. Mass spectrometry imaging showed that the elevated p-hydroxybenzoylation was largely restricted to the cell walls of fibres. Finally, transgenic lines outperformed control trees in assays of saccharification potential. This study highlights the biotech potential of cell-wall-bound phenolate esters and demonstrates the importance of substrate supply in lignin engineering.

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