
Knockout (KO) of mouse Cyp3a genes increases the expression of hepatic CYP2C enzymes, which can metabolize triazolam, a typical substrate of human CYP3A. There is still marked formation of 1'-hydroxytriazolam in Cyp3a-KO (3aKO) mice after triazolam dosing. Here, we generated a new model of humanized CYP3A (hCYP3A) mice with a double-KO background of Cyp3a and Cyp2c genes (2c3aKO), and we examined the metabolic profiles of triazolam in wild-type (WT), 2c3aKO, and hCYP3A/2c3aKO mice in vitro and in vivo In vitro studies using liver microsomes showed that the formation of 1'-hydroxytriazolam in 2c3aKO mice was less than 8% of that in WT mice. The formation rate of 1'-hydroxytriazolam in hCYP3A/2c3aKO mice was eightfold higher than that in 2c3aKO mice. In vivo studies showed that area under the curve (AUC) of 1'-hydroxytriazolam in 2c3aKO mice was less than 3% of that in WT mice. The AUC of 1'-hydroxytriazolam in hCYP3A/2c3aKO mice was sixfold higher than that in 2c3aKO mice. These results showed that formation of 1'-hydroxytriazolam was significantly decreased in 2c3aKO mice. Metabolic functions of human CYP3A enzymes were distinctly found in hCYP3A mice with the 2c3aKO background. Moreover, hCYP3A/2c3aKO mice treated with clobazam showed human CYP3A-mediated formation of desmethylclobazam and prolonged elimination of desmethylclobazam, which is found in poor metabolizers of CYP2C19. The novel hCYP3A mouse model without mouse Cyp2c and Cyp3a genes (hCYP3A/2c3aKO) is expected to be useful to evaluate human CYP3A-mediated metabolism in vivo SIGNIFICANT STATEMENT: Humanized CYP3A (hCYP3A/2c3aKO) mice with a background of double knockout (KO) for mouse Cyp2c and Cyp3a genes were generated. Although CYP2C enzymes played a compensatory role in the metabolism of triazolam to 1'-hydroxytriazolam in the previous hCYP3A/3aKO mice with Cyp2c genes, the novel hCYP3A/2c3aKO mice clearly showed functions of human CYP3A enzymes introduced by chromosome engineering technology.

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