
The main trend in the development of dairy farming in the Russian Federation suggests maximising milk yield and reducing milk net cost. The economic effectiveness of industrial dairy farming is largely determined by adequate feeding, as well as effective system of measures to ensure animal health and prevent infectious and non-infectious mass diseases. The main reason for the premature retirement of highly productive cows is based on the factors typical of the intensive technologies used in dairy cattle breeding, which lead to the occurrence of metabolic diseases. It is established that the intensity of metabolism is directly linked to the high productivity of cows. With a highly concentrated, mainly silage-based type of feeding, an imbalance of nutrients is often recorded, in particular as regards the sugar/ protein ratio, leading to deep metabolic disorders and the development of immunodeficiency states. Metabolic disorders in highly productive cows occur as a result of unbalanced diets as far as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are concerned. Acidosis, ruminitis and hepatosis are recorded in disordered cows and heifers. The service period exceeds 100 days in 70–75% of cows. Hepatosis and immunodeficiency states are often found in calves born to cows with signs of deep metabolic disorders. Metabolic disorders often remain unnoticed and become apparent only when pronounced pathological changes occur resulting in decreased productivity and ability to reproduce resistant young animals, as well as culling of animals. Metabolic diseases were recorded in 30–70% of cows examined in large dairy farms. The average lifetime productivity of high-yielding cows is (2.1 ± 0.15) lactations in Russia. The results of epidemiological investigations and laboratory testing of sera samples showed that emulsion inactivated vaccines administered to immunodeficient cattle induce higher titres of virus-specific antibodies than those in animals vaccinated with adsorbed vaccines.


  • The main reason for the premature retirement of highly productive cows is based on the factors typical of the intensive technologies used in dairy cattle breeding, which lead to the occurrence of metabolic diseases

  • It is established that the intensity of metabolism is directly linked to the high productivity of cows.With a highly concentrated, mainly silage-based type of feeding, an imbalance of nutrients is often recorded, in particular as regards the sugar/ protein ratio, leading to deep metabolic disorders and the development of immunodeficiency states

  • Hepatosis and immunodeficiency states are often found in calves born to cows with signs of deep metabolic disorders

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Метаболические заболевания крупного рогатого скота

РЕЗЮМЕ Основная тенденция развития молочного животноводства в Российской Федерации предусматривает увеличение продуктивности коров молочных пород и снижение себестоимости молока. Установлено, что интенсивность обмена веществ имеет прямую связь с высокой продуктивностью животных. В основном силосно-концентратном, типе кормления часто регистрируется дисбаланс питательных веществ, особенно по сахаро-протеиновому отношению, что приводит к возникновению глубоких нарушений обмена веществ и развитию иммунодефицитных состояний. У телят, полученных от коров с признаками глубоких нарушений обмена веществ, часто регистрируется гепатоз и иммунодефицитное состояние. Нарушения обмена веществ часто остаются незамеченными и становятся очевидными лишь при ярко выраженных патологических изменениях, которые приводят к снижению продуктивности и способности воспроизведения резистентного молодняка, выбраковке животных. При обследовании коров в крупных молочных животноводческих хозяйствах метаболические заболевания были зарегистрированы у 30–70% животных. Ключевые слова: обзор, крупный рогатый скот, метаболические заболевания, нарушения обмена веществ, клетчатка, ацидоз, дистрофия печени, биогеохимические зоны, метаболический иммунодефицит, гипомикроэлементозы, рубец, высококонцентратное кормление, эмульсионные инактивированные противовирусные вакцины, биогеохимические провинции.

Metabolic diseases in cattle
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