
A comprehensive assessment of the rate of aging is essential in modern medicine, as middle-aged people have a discrepancy between calendar and biological age. Biological age or epigenetic age is a measure of biological capabilities, which determines not only the years, lived out, but also measures of future life expectancy and a risk of certain age-dependent diseases. Epigenetic age is influenced by many external and internal factors, dependence on biological and psychological characteristics of the individual (heredity, temperament, type of higher nervous activity), socio-economic and political factors (health protection, availability of medicines, qualifications of medical personnel, level of medical science, working and living conditions), external environment, ecology and way of life. Epigenetic changes in DNA induced by environmental influences can be adaptive and cause better functioning of the body under altered conditions, but can also be the cause of various diseases. It can be assumed that the influence of a certain external factor during critical periods of development can provoke phenotypic changes that persist throughout life and can even be inherited by subsequent generations.Patients will have an accumulate of comorbid conditions with age, such as diabetes and obesity, which affect the course of cardiovascular disease. There are suppositions that epigenetic modification of genes, with influence of risk factors, can affect the development and progression of age-associated diseases (obesity, hypertension, fasting hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia) and on the formation of cardiovascular risk (CVD). Therefore, timely detection and implementation of different preventive measures and drug treatment, can reduce the number of not only severe forms of the disease, but also to prevent cardiovascular events at the stage of formation of age-associated diseases (myocardial infarction (MI), cerebrovascular disorders).

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