
The article is devoted to the development of intelligent monitoring systems of technological processes based on the use of machine vision systems. The principles of object-oriented formalization of the process of designing information technology of the classification of objects by the geometric shape of the image obtained from the machine vision system are proposed in the article. The proposed information technology is based on the use of machine learning technologies and provides for the selection of the best structure of the classifier model from a set of candidate models. Construction of candidate models is based on the use of the group method of data handling, based on the principles of self-organization of models. The outline of the image of the object obtained from the intelligent monitoring system is the input information. The set of input data contains a set of morphometric parameters that describe the geometric shape of the figure formed by the contour of the image of the object, as well as the label of the class to which the object belongs. The formation of the set of input data is implemented in the block «Image Processing». The decisive rule of classification is built in the block of synthesis of models of information technology of classification. GMDH neural networks were used as an algorithm for model synthesis. The choice of the best structure of the model is performed by a set of criteria. The information technology for constructing the classifier model is implemented by supplementing the block of algorithms for synthesis of MSUA models with the block «Class of models», which implements the process of selecting the class of functions for building models, and the block «Verification of models», which implements the best model structure. Construction of the meta-model of the design process was performed using a unified modeling language. The functional meta-model is represented by a use case diagram.

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