
Higher order thinking skills are one of the competencies developed in learning, especially in mathematics. One of the effective learning models to improve higher order thinking skills is Problem-Based Learning (PBL). In this study, a meta-analysis method was used, which involved analyzing various articles that had been collected. Search procedures through Google Scholar and Garuda Portal and found 99 articles that discuss the effect of PBL implementation in Indonesia on students' higher order thinking skills. Of these 99 articles, only 11 articles met the inclusion criteria and were then analyzed using the meta-analysis method. This meta-analysis method provides results in the form of a combined effect size that describes the extent of the influence of PBL implementation on students' higher order thinking skills. Based on the interpretation of the combined effect size, it can be concluded that overall, the application of PBL has a moderate effect on students' higher order thinking skills. In other words, PBL has a positive impact in improving students' ability to think critically, analytically, creatively, and think reflectively. In addition, this study also considered study characteristics, such as education level and year of study. The statistical analysis showed the effect of PBL implementation in improving students' ability to think critically, analytically, creatively, and reflectively.

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