
Meta-analysis based on a random-effects model is used to summarise and overcome the variability between divergent parameter estimates. We proposed a meta-analysis of published heritability and genetic-correlation estimates for reproduction, growth and carcass traits in purebred Nellore cattle. In total, 197 heritability and 107 genetic-correlation estimates from 62 scientific publications were used here. Most of traits (gestation length; weights at birth, 120, 210, 365 and 550 days of age; mature weight and all carcass traits) presented direct heritability estimates ranging from 0.20 to 0.40. Age at first calving presented the lowest value among direct heritabilities (0.1498); whereas the higher values (>0.40) were found for scrotal circumference at different ages and for weight at 450 days of age. Low maternal heritability estimates (ranging from 0.06 to 0.11) were observed for all growth traits. With the exception of correlation estimates involving the age at first calving, all other correlations were positive. High correlations (>0.85) were found mainly for the same trait at different ages. The results reported here will give support to genetic evaluations when reliable estimates for different traits in purebred Nellore cattle are not available.

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