
APA and JPS. Beginning in 2011, all members of APA and JPS will also be members of IAP. This is similar to the current triple membership structure already in place for EPC members. I hope to expand this model to other national and regional pancreatic societies in the near future. It is a great pleasure to serve as the President of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP). I have been a pancreatologist for the last 28 years and have been involved with the organization almost since its inception. I am excited to be a part of shaping IAP’s future. The executive board and I are working on a number of exciting initiatives that will enhance IAP’s relevance to its members and the field of pancreatology. My first goal is to diversify the membership of IAP, making it an all-inclusive, truly international group. To do so, we must reach out to pancreatologists outside of North America, Japan and Europe, our traditional strongholds. One of the ways we are already doing this is through the joint IAP/Indian Pancreas Club meeting that is being held in Cochin, India in February 2011. We expect over 400 people to attend from all over the world. This meeting will provide members of both organizations an excellent chance to share scientific knowledge. I expect IAP will continue this tradition by co-hosting meetings with other emerging pancreas groups in addition to the traditional joint meetings with the American Pancreatic Association (APA), Japan Pancreas Society (JPS) and the European Pancreas Club (EPC). We are currently discussing the possibility of a joint meeting with our Chinese colleagues in 2013. More details will follow. I also want to encourage greater participation from pancreatologists outside Europe, which has historically contributed two thirds of our members. To that end, we have instituted a new membership structure for both the Published online: February 8, 2011

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