
The model of induced quark currents formulated in our recent paper (Phys. Rev. D51, 176) is developed. The model being a kind of nonlocal extension of the bosonization procedure is based on the hypothesis that the QCD vacuum is realized by the (anti-)self-dual homogeneous gluon field. This vacuum field provides the analytical quark confinement. It is shown that a particular form of nonlocality of the quark and gluon propagators determined by the vacuum field, an interaction of quark spin with the vacuum gluon field and a localization of meson field at the center of masses of two quarks can explain the distinctive features of meson spectrum: Regge trajectories of radial and orbital excitations, mass splitting between pseudoscalar and vector mesons, the asymptotic mass formulas in the heavy quark limit: $M_{Q\bar Q}\to 2m_Q$ for quarkonia and $M_{Q\bar q}\to m_Q$ for heavy-light mesons. With a minimal set of parameters (quark masses, vacuum field strength and the quark-gluon coupling constant) the model describes to within ten percent inaccuracy the masses and weak decay constants of mesons from all qualitatively different regions of the spectrum.

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