
In French Polynesia, the cyclopoid copepod Mesocyclops aspericornis was inoculated into burrows of the land crab Cardisoma carnifex and into tree holes, drums, wells, and tires. It successfully reduced larval populations of Aedes polynesiensis and/or Aedes aegypti by 91–99%. Mesocyclops aspericornis has persisted to date for 29 mo in crab holes and for 60 mo in some wells, tires, and tree holes. As M. aspericornis does not effectively reduce Culex populations, copepod suspensions can be mixed with Bacillus thuringiensis var. Israelensis , without detriment to the copepod, to effectively kill larvae of both genera. Its oligophagic feeding pattern, ease of mass production or collection, and high fecundity within probable temperature and salinity ranges of 23–30°C and 0–4‰ make M. aspericornis a good candidate as a biological control agent.

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