
This paper introduces the 3D RBSM Conduit model, an improved simulation program based on the Rigid Body Spring Model (RBSM), designed to accurately depict the intricate phenomenon of moisture transfer within concrete. This is achieved by incorporating an expanded diffusion model into the simulation framework. The diffusion coefficient is dynamically adjusted at each location and at each time step to accurately represent the precise moisture transfer processes occurring in the concrete. This dynamic adjustment allows the program to efficiently simulate the rate of moisture transport in concrete based on the moisture degree and the dry or wet state of the material. By adapting the diffusion coefficient to the changing conditions in this way, the program achieves simulated moisture transfer rates that align closely with the real-world behavior of moisture in concrete. It offers a dynamic model of the changes in concrete transmission during the switch from drying and wetting conditions. Further, the program exhibits inherent advantages in addressing water transfer problems involving nonlinear boundary conditions and transfer equations. In this study, the program is used to simulate various processes including drying, wetting, local wetting, and combined wet-dry cycles. The results reveal the lag in wet-dry transitions between the interior and exposed surface during the wet-dry conversion process due to retained interior moisture. The simulation captures the moisture variation in the transitional zone.

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