
A principle of invariance under a continuous local group of transformations— the mesic gauge— is investigated. If the nucleons have equal bare masses with respect to the electromagnetic interaction —an hypothesis which might be strongly supported by a proposed experiment on the K-mesons mass difference— the principle of invariance includes for the nucleon doublet: 1) A charge-independent interaction with a pseudoscalar meson field. 2) forcedP conservation in this interoction. 3) Selection of exclusive vector interactions with the lepton currents. 4) Allowable parity nonconservation in these interactions (V, A form). For the (μ, ν) and (e, ν) doublets, theV, A parity nonconserving interaction is similarly selected. However, here the origin of mass of the charged particles is not discussed.P symmetry in strange-particle strong interactions is finally established in a specific example for baryons of equal bare mass as a consequence of mesic gauge invariance. 8 vector mesons must be introduced.

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