
Enlargement of mesenteric lymph nodes is a common sonographic finding, in particular in children and young adults. It may be the manifestation of various clinical disorders, mainly malignant, immunological or infectious diseases. However, normal mesenteric lymph nodes are often incidentally detected by ultrasound and should not be misdiagnosed as an early manifestation of pathological conditions. The distinction between normal and abnormal mesenteric lymph nodes, and the differential diagnosis among various neoplastic, inflammatory and infectious causes of mesenteric lymphadenitis are shown in the present chapter.KeywordsHuman Immunodeficiency VirusPrimary Biliary CirrhosisFamilial Mediterranean FeverMesenteric Lymph NodeMycobacterium Avium ComplexThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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