
Simple SummaryB-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) is the most common pediatric cancer. Even though the cure rate actually exceeds 85%, the prognosis of relapsed/refractory patients is dismal. Recent literature data indicate that the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment could play a crucial role in the onset, maintenance and progression of the disease. In particular, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), which are key components of the BM niche, actively crosstalk with leukemic cells providing crucial signals for their survival and resistance to therapy. We hereby review the main mechanisms exploited by MSCs to nurture and protect B-ALL cells that could become appealing targets for innovative microenvironment remodeling therapies to be coupled with classical leukemia-directed strategies.Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are structural components of the bone marrow (BM) niche, where they functionally interact with hematopoietic stem cells and more differentiated progenitors, contributing to hematopoiesis regulation. A growing body of evidence is nowadays pointing to a further crucial contribution of MSCs to malignant hematopoiesis. In the context of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), MSCs can play a pivotal role in the definition of a leukemia-supportive microenvironment, impacting on disease pathogenesis at different steps including onset, maintenance and progression. B-ALL cells hijack the BM microenvironment, including MSCs residing in the BM niche, which in turn shelter leukemic cells and protect them from chemotherapeutic agents through different mechanisms. Evidence is now arising that altered MSCs can become precious allies to leukemic cells by providing nutrients, cytokines, pro-survivals signals and exchanging organelles, as hereafter reviewed. The study of the mechanisms exploited by MSCs to nurture and protect B-ALL blasts can be instrumental in finding new druggable candidates to target the leukemic BM microenvironment. Some of these microenvironment-targeting strategies are already in preclinical or clinical experimentation, and if coupled with leukemia-directed therapies, could represent a valuable option to improve the prognosis of relapsed/refractory patients, whose management represents an unmet medical need.

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