
Equine mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) of various origins have been identified in horses, including MSCs from the bone marrow and adipose tissue. However, these stem cell sources are highly invasive in sampling, which thereby limits their clinical application in equine veterinary medicine. This study presents a novel method using an air-liquid interface to isolate stem cells from the hair follicle outer root sheath of the equine forehead skin. These stem cells cultured herewith showed high proliferation and asumed MSC phenotype by expressing MSC positive biomarkers (CD29, CD44 CD90) while not expressing negative markers (CD14, CD34 and CD45). They were capable of differentiating towards chondrogenic, osteogenic and adipogenic lineages, which was comparable with MSCs from adipose tissue. Due to their proliferative phenotype in vitro, MSC-like profile and differentiation capacities, we named them equine mesenchymal stem cells from the hair follicle outer root sheath (eMSCORS). eMSCORS present a promising alternative stem cell source for the equine veterinary medicine.Graphical abstract

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