
Relatively few departments of Music Therapy are found within neurosurgical rehabilitation clinics. In institutions where these departments exist, music therapy has become an integral part of multi-professional treatment and research activities (Gilbertson 1999). The diverse intervention strategies in Music Therapy focus upon auditory, motor, visual, cognitive and affective processing which are all involved in receptive and expressive musical behaviour and which affect related non-musical behaviour. A clear differentiation is made between primary and adjunct therapy roles. The related fields of neuromusicology, neuroanatomy, neuropsychology, music psychology and humanistic psychology are primary sources in the development of models of clinical application (Hodges 1996). Our main interests are focussed on the following issues and areas of clinical application: The initialisation of contact with patients in vegetative status Communicative interaction with patients who can not (initially) use verbal communication (aphasic disorders) Temporal motor organisation with patients with sensomotor disorders Cognitive organisation and mnemonic framework with patients with neuropsychological functional disorders (concentration, memory, perception) Treatment of spatial perception disorders (neglect) Enhancing personal and social integration following individual isolation, social withdrawal. These topics will be discussed and highlighted with clinical examples.

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