
The community addressed by the book of James has some serious disagreements and conflicts. Not only is the community dishonoring the poorest among them, but some are coveting what they do not have and even murdering to get it (4:2). As a remedy, James lists the characteristics of the wisdom from above: pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without one trace of partiality and hypocrisy (3:17). James is calling for a righteous peace (3:18), and according to his understanding of the wisdom from above, that peace will come when equity and equality become the norm. If the poor covet and commit illegal acts to obtain what they desire, the answer for the people of faith is not violent retaliation, or physical punishment. The answer, according to James, is selfless service and honor given by the haves to the have nots. For although James does not ever condone breaking the law (2:10−11), he does encourage mercy in place of judgment (2:13); and according to the wisdom from above, saving faith exhibits such mercy.

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