
The total mercury content of six species of Australian commercial fish (John dory. Zeus faber: mirror dory. Zenopsis nebulosus; tiger flathead, Neoplatycephalus richardsoni; rubberlip morwong, Nemadactylus douglasii; jackass morwong, Nemadactylus macroprerus; and sand whiting, Sillago ciliata) is reported. Total mercury content is regressed against fish length and the resultant equations and correlation coefficients are presented for each species. A length-frequency histogram derived from the Sydney Fish Market data and a length-mercury content curve are plotted as an overlay for each of the six species. The integrated average mercury content (mg/kg) has been calculated for each species and these are as follows: sand whiting, 0.08; rubberlip morwong, 0.13; tiger flathead, 0.14; John dory, 0.14; mirror dory, 0.15; and jackass morwong, 0.16. The graphical method adequately demonstrates the relationship between mercury levels and the commercial size range of particular species.

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