
Surficial sediment samples were collected in several areas of the southern Baltic Sea during cruises of R/V Oceania in spring 2009 and 2010 for all stations and in autumn 2009 for Gdansk Deep and Gotland Deep. Samples were collected with a gravity corer. The top five centimeters of sediment were sampled by cutting it away with a plastic spatula, mixed and stored frozen (-20 O C) in polyethylene bags until analyses in the laboratory. Sediment cores were analysed for total mercury (HgTOT)and methylmercury (MeHg). Total Hg concentrations in sediments were between 5,81 ng·g -1 in Odra Eustary and 225 ng·g -1 in Gdansk Deep. Lowest concentration of methylmercury were recorded in Odra Estuary; 61,29 pg·g -1 . Highest concentration of MeHg were found in Vistula Estuary, 940,07 pg·g -1 .

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