
Wayame is one of the villages that did not get involved in the social conflict in 1999. This does not mean that Wayame village does not care about other villages because it does not participate in conflicts. However, in Wayame village, it is true that the conflict only brings destruction in the social ties of the community which in turn can have a traumatic impact on the pluralistic Wayame community. Wayame Village, which is not involved in the conflict and looks harmonious - is not as easy as one might imagine. The existence of a harmonious life process in the midst of diversity in Wayame village has hard efforts made by village governments, religious leaders, and especially people who have a love for Wayame village. Efforts and work to maintain harmony in Wayame village require the involvement of all elements of society, therefore Wayame village formed a TEAM 20 consisting of 10 Christians and 10 Muslims to maintain the stability of the village and the community so as not to get involved in the conflict at that time. In efforts to maintain harmony in the midst of a pluralistic society, it is necessary to understand the religions that exist in society, therefore the theology of religions is necessary to find a common goal as religious human beings in the midst of diversity.


  • Wayame is one of the villages that did not get involved in the social conflict in 1999

  • People in Wayame knew that the war only brought destruction in the community’s social ties, which could have a traumatic impact on the pluralistic Wayame society

  • To maintainance peace in Wayame was not involved in the conflict and looked harmonious - it was not as easy as one might imagine

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Pengakuan terhadap Keunikan Tiap Agama

Kehidupan orang-orang Maluku yang hidup dalam kerukunan dan perasaan saling memiliki karena berasal dari satu kesatuan, ternyata sudah ada dan tumbuh dalam kehidupan orang Maluku yang terbentuk dari kehidupan kekerabatan dengan tradisi atau budaya pela dan gandong yang membentuk hidup toleransi, selain memiliki kehidupan bersama sebagai orang-orang Maluku. Walaupun pengakuan dan penerimaan agama–agama di Indonesia ada, tidak dapat dipungkiri juga bahwa pemicu konflik dalam sejarah manusia adalah ketika agama tidak lagi dijadikan sebagai landasan orang beriman untuk melakukan atau mengambil tindakan yang sesuai dengan perintah agama yang mulia serta membawa damai, melainkan dijadikan sebagai pemecah umat manusia. Nilai yang baik dari agama Islam maupun Kristen dapat disamakan dalam satu budaya seperti budaya kasih yang diajarkan dalam Islam dan Kristen sehingga dapat mengarahkan masyarakat untuk hidup dalam kebersamaan sebagai satu identitas Ambon (Maluku).[17] Perlu juga diketahui bahwa konteks Maluku yang memiliki relasi–relasi antaragama dan antaretnis adalah nyata dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat.[18].

Hidup Bersama di tengah Kemajemukan
Memaknai Peran Agama dalam Konteks Majemuk
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