
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) aims to spatially resolve the silhouette (or shadow) of the supermassive black holes in the Galactic Centre (Sgr A$^\star$) and M87. The primary scientific objectives are to test general relativity in the strong-field regime and to probe accretion and jet-launch physics at event-horizon scales. This is made possible by the technique of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) at (sub)millimetre wavelengths, which can achieve angular resolutions of order $\sim10~\mu$-arcsec. However, this approach suffers from unique observational challenges, including scattering in the troposphere and interstellar medium; rapidly time-variable source structure in both polarized and total intensity; as well as non-negligible antenna pointing errors. In this, the first paper in a series, we present the MeqSilhouette software package which is specifically designed to accurately simulate EHT observations. It includes realistic descriptions of a number of signal corruptions that can limit the ability to measure the key science parameters. This can be used to quantify calibration requirements, test parameter estimation and imaging strategies, and investigate systematic uncertainties that may be present. In doing so, a stronger link can be made between observational capabilities and theoretical predictions, with the goal of maximising scientific output from the upcoming order of magnitude increase in EHT sensitivity.

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