
Research as one of the important pillars for the progress of a nation, it is because the outcome of research can be transferred to the user. The purpose of this study is to examine the existence of innovation management institutions in higher education in the case of transfering of research results after the promulgation of the Ministry of Research and Technology MIPTi in 2019. This study uses legal research methods using primary and secondary legal materials. The approach used is the legislative approach and institutional approach for in-depth analysis. The results showed several things including, firstly that the existence of innovation management institutions from the normative side was still relatively weak, it was based on provisions which were still optional to open space for universities to not manage innovation management optimally. Second, that normatively it has not been explained in detail, especially related to institutional aspects and practice guidelines for most of the functions to be carried out by the innovation management agency. Third, that from the normative side the authority of the innovation management agency has the potential to overlap with the authority of the intellectual property center. The recommendation for this research is that there needs to be a strict regulation on the existence of an innovation management institution and harmonization of an innovation management agency with other laws and regulations.


  • Riset sebagai salah satu pilar penting bagi kemajuan sebuah bangsa, hal tersebut dikarenakan luaran daripada riset untuk selanjutnya dapat dialihkan kepada pengguna

  • The purpose of this study is to examine the existence of innovation management institutions in higher education in the case of transfering of research results after the promulgation of the Ministry of Research and Technology MIPTi in 2019

  • The results showed several things including, firstly that the existence of innovation management institutions from the normative side was still relatively weak, it was based on provisions which were still optional to open space for universities to not manage innovation management optimally

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Belum ada definisi yang pasti Unit kerja yang berfungsi berkaitan dengan lembaga mengelola dan mendayagunakan manajemen inovasi, hanya saja kekayaan intelektual, sekaligus dalam ketentuan umum Pasal 1 sebagai pusat informasi dan angka 2 yang menyatakan bahwa pelayanan HKI. Penulis merasa perlu dan penting untuk mengelaborasi terkait kelembagaan manajemen inovasi di perguruan tinggi, karena sebelum diundangkannya Permenristek MIPTi, penelusuran bahan hukum yang dilakukan belum atau tidak ditemukan berkaitan lembaga baru ini. Hal lain yang juga memperkuat bahwa diskursus mengenai perguruan tinggi, riset dan hilirisasi bukan hal baru tentu didasarkan pada konsep tri dharma perguruan tinggi bahwa dharma pendidikan akan berkembang jika ada dharma penelitian (riset) yang dilakukan oleh sivitas akademika, hasil riset inilah yang untuk selanjutnya dapat dijadikan sebagai dharma pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan melakukan hilirisasi ataupun pengalihan agar dapat dimanfaatkan dan digunakan secara luas. Ada beberapa penelitian terdahulu bagaimana urgensi peran hilirisasi (alih teknologi) hasil riset dan berbagai permasalahannya yang telah dilakukan salah satunya adalah melalui penciptaan hasil riset yang digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sektor industri masyarakat. Tabel 2 Eksistensi Lembaga Manajemen Inovasi di Beberapa Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia

Universitas Negeri Malang Pusat Bisnis
Pusat Bisnis
Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah tentang Pelaksanaan ketentuan Pasal 40 ayat
20 Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah tentang Pelaksanaan ketentuan Pasal 86 ayat
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