
Entity-based information extraction is one of the main applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Recently, deep transfer-learning utilizing contextualized word embedding from pre-trained language models has shown remarkable results for many NLP tasks, including Named-entity recognition (NER). BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is gaining prominent attention among various contextualized word embedding models as a state-of-the-art pre-trained language model. It is quite expensive to train a BERT model from scratch for a new application domain since it needs a huge dataset and enormous computing time. In this paper, we focus on menu entity extraction from online user reviews for the restaurant and propose a simple but effective approach for NER task on a new domain where a large dataset is rarely available or difficult to prepare, such as food menu domain, based on domain adaptation technique for word embedding and fine-tuning the popular NER task network model ‘Bi-LSTM+CRF’ with extended feature vectors. The proposed NER approach (named as ‘MenuNER’) consists of two step-processes: (1) Domain adaptation for target domain; further pre-training of the off-the-shelf BERT language model (BERT-base) in semi-supervised fashion on a domain-specific dataset, and (2) Supervised fine-tuning the popular Bi-LSTM+CRF network for downstream task with extended feature vectors obtained by concatenating word embedding from the domain-adapted pre-trained BERT model from the first step, character embedding and POS tag feature information. Experimental results on handcrafted food menu corpus from customers’ review dataset show that our proposed approach for domain-specific NER task, that is: food menu named-entity recognition, performs significantly better than the one based on the baseline off-the-shelf BERT-base model. The proposed approach achieves 92.5% F1 score on the YELP dataset for the MenuNER task.

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