
Purpose: The objective of our study was to describe the effective use of menthol crystal vapor inhalation in the oxygenation of a hypoxic patient. The study also aims to affirm the possible role of this oxygenation effect of menthol crystal vapor in the management of hypoxia in early diagnosed COVID-19 patients. Patients and Methods: This Study (the immediate oxygenation effect of menthol study), involved intra-operative oxygenation of a sedated, none COVID-19 patient undergoing surgical removal of a tooth together with a series of seven COVID-19 positive patients. The oxygen saturation of this single surgical patient which dropped to dangerous levels during the short surgery was elevated five (5) consecutive instances to a level above the pre-operative baseline following the inhalation of menthol crystal vapor. The series of seven patients with COVID-19 were administered with menthol via the menthol crystal Inhalation regimen and the improvement in their low oxygen saturation was monitored and documented. Results: The only case in this study had its oxygen saturation increased repeatedly intraoperatively for 5 consecutive instances when it fell to a dangerous level of 84%. This single study together with the study of menthol crystal increasing the oxygen saturation of mildly hypoxic early diagnosed COVID-19 patients in an earlier study now calls for a modification of the current treatment modality for both in-Hospital and outpatient COVID-19 Cases. Conclusion: The periodic inhalation of menthol crystal vapor intraoperatively and the utilization of the vapor in the menthol crystal inhalation regimen (MCIR) has been found to effectively manage hypoxia but it is also therapeutic for COVID-19 patients.

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