
Abstract: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts one of the most challenging and competitive exams in India. Preparing for the UPSC exam requires immense hard work, dedication, and perseverance, which often puts a significant amount of stress on the aspirants' mental health. In this study, we conducted an online survey to assess the mental health status of UPSC aspirants. The survey was conducted on 203 participants, who were either preparing for the UPSC exam or had attempted it multiple times. The survey included questions on their attempts, coaching institutes, physical and mental health, emotional problems, sleep hours, and preparation status. The results indicate that while the majority of the participants rated their physical health as good, their mental health status was somewhat poor or poor. A significant number of participants reported facing emotional problems, feeling low or down, and sleep disturbances. The study highlights the need for mental health support for UPSC aspirants, including counselling services and awareness programs.

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