
Patients with psoriasis have increased risk of suicidal ideation and behavior (SIB) and depression. Bimekizumab, a biologic that inhibits interleukin (IL)-17A and IL-17F, received Food and Drug Administration approval in 2023 for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, following 2021 European Medicines Agency approval. To report SIB and depression in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis treated in bimekizumab clinical trials. Mental health changes, including neuropsychiatric events, were actively monitored across 9 bimekizumab clinical trials in psoriasis phase 2/3 trials. The patient-reported electronic Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (measuring SIB) and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (measuring depression) were administered, monitored by an independent Neuropsychiatric Adjudication Committee. Throughout 7166 patient-years (PY) of bimekizumab exposure, the adjudicated SIB rate was 0.13/100PY; SIB ranges for the general psoriasis population and patients receiving anti-IL-17A/anti-IL-23 therapies are 0.09 to 0.54/100PY and 0.09 to 0.19/100PY, respectively. At week 16, 92.9% vs 81.1% of bimekizumab- vs placebo-treated patients had no/minimal depression. Newonset positive electronic Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale responses and mean Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores were low for bimekizumab-treated patients. Patient exclusion for significant/severe prespecified SIB/depression history. The long-term adjudicated SIB rate with bimekizumab was low and within ranges reported in the general psoriasis patient population and psoriasis patients treated with anti-IL-17A/anti-IL-23 biologics. Screening/monitoring questionnaires reported low SIB and depression levels.

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