
The presented data provide a panoramic concerning the influence of different coping strategies in the relationship between resilience and post traumatic growth or post-traumatic symptoms in patients with a cancer diagnosis. These expand the results presented in the related research article of Gori et al. [1], entitled “Pathways to post-traumatic growth in cancer patients: moderated mediation and single mediation analyses with resilience, personality, and coping strategies”. A sample of 154 patients completed a survey, where the Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory, Impact of Event Scale-Revised, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, and Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced were included. All the measures for the data collection were in their Italian versions. Data were elaborated by performing single mediation analyses, considering each time the different coping strategies as mediators. The dataset (.xlsx) includes the survey scores, while the tables and figures provide the analysed data, where the mediation models are shown. These data may provide useful bases for future research concerning mental health outcomes in patients with cancer and for tailored programs in preventive or intervention perspectives.

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