
The isolation measures and standardized safety procedures that were mandatory as measures to protect and prevent the increase and spread of contagion by COVID-19 during the 2020 pandemic, turned out to be extrinsic factors that directly affected the mental health of many people. Mainly in relation to health professionals who worked on the front lines attending to the main cases of COVID-19 in the hospital environment. Thus, the present study aims to present the mental health of nursing professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review of the literature was developed. The main results found showed that the pandemic had an impact on work routines, work-related stress and the personal lives of health professionals. They are at greater risk of exposure to COVID-19 infection. Extended work hours during the pandemic have led many of these professionals to burnout and other adverse psychological issues. The psychological outcomes of healthcare workers during the pandemic have been studied globally. Common problems consisted of burnout syndrome, anxiety and depression.

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