
Summary Hanmer, D. B. 1981. Mensural and moult data of nine species of sunbird from Moçambique and Malaŵi. Ostrich 52: 156–178. Wing length, culmen length, weight and moult data are given for the Coppery Sunbird Nectarinia cuprea, Purplebanded Sunbird N. bifnsclata, Yellowbellied Sunbird N. venusta, Whitebellied Sunbird N. talatala. Grey Sunbird N. veroxii, Black Sunbird N. amethystina. Scarletchested Sunbird N. senegalensis. Collared Sunbird Anthreptes collaris and Violet-backed Sunbird A. longuemarei from Mopeia (Moçambique) and Nchalo (Malaŵi). Moulting seasons, immature age at moult, the duration of primary moult, its relation to the breeding season, weight changes with moult, the breeding season, altitude and latitude, and the sequence and timing of moult in remiges and rectrices are discussed for all species except N. veroxii, N. amethystina and A. longuemarei. Softpart and plumage colour changes with age are discussed and some data are given on habits and migration.

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