
The menstrual cycle is one of the most fundamental differences between men and women and is capable of influencing the performance, well-being and health of female athletes. Despite increasing research, the influence of the menstrual cycle on athletic performance is still largely a mystery and highly individual. This in turn increases the importance of effective communication between coaches and female athletes. The purpose of this study is to analyse the existing communication behaviour of coaches as perceived by female athletes, as well as their willingness to communicate about the menstrual cycle. Therefore, we developed an online questionnaire addressed to female sports club athletes ( n = 1195). Questions about the coach's thematisation of the menstrual cycle and the female athlete's willingness to communicate served as dependent variables. Ordinary least squares regressions were conducted for both dependent constructs. We found that communication behaviour depends on coaches’ age, type of sport and training frequency. Communication willingness depends on the gender of the coach, athletes’ age, type of sport, training frequency and perception of cycle-related performance fluctuations. Overall, the results of our study also show a large gap between desire and reality-even in 2022 coaches rarely talk about the menstrual cycle, although a large proportion of female athletes would be willing to do so. Both coaches and athletes should be empowered to communicate more openly about menstrual cycle. Improving communication skills on both sides may also improve the coach-athlete relationship.

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