
Menstrual disorders may affect the life of adolescents and young adult women, and may sometimes cause serious problems. The patterns of menstrual cycles were analyzed for association with age of menarche, prevalence of menstrual irregularity, dysmenorrhea, prolonged menstrual bleeding, and effect of menstrual disorders, especially dysmenorrhea, on social activities and school attendance among the female students. A total of 480 students were randomly selected and asked to complete an the anonymous questionnaire of 25 items. The mean age of the subjects at menarche was 12.8 +/- 1.3 years with a range of 9-17 years. The duration between two periods and the menstrual flow were 27.7 +/- 2.5 days and 5.8 +/- 1.4 days, respectively. The prevalence of menstrual irregularity, prolonged menstrual bleeding and dysmenorrhea were 31.2%, 5.3% and 89.5%, respectively. Approximately 10% of dysmenorrheic subjects had severe dysmenorrhea; and school absenteeism and need to consult a physician were more common in those subjects. The first source of their knowledge about menarche and menstruation was their mothers in 211 subjects (54%); only 18 subjects (4.6%) were given a lecture about menstruation and menarche at school. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea and menstrual irregularity was high, and most adolescents have inappropriate and insufficient information about menstrual problems. Hence, an education program is needed at the end of primary school about menarche and menstrual problems.

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