
Background: Menstruation is the recurring peeling of the inner part of the uterus or the shedding of the uterine lining on a regular basis in the reproductive-aged females during the monthly menstrual cycles. Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) is an everyday challenge to the adolescent girl child globally, and in developing countries like Ghana. Positive menstrual hygiene management is important because it helps in preventing several health challenges which may be associated with poor menstrual hygiene management. The aim of this study was to determine the state of MHM among adolescent girls in Accra.Method: Quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted using self-administered questionnaires to collect data which was analysed to evaluate the sanitary provisions in the school. Two Basic Schools in Legon, Accra were identified and random sampling procedurewas used to select research participants.Results: Findings revealed that the mean age at menarche of adolescent girls in Basic Schools in Legon was 11.9 ±1.2 years; and that MHM was promoted at home and in schools. In all, 68% and 21% of the adolescent girls routinely bathed two and three times daily respectively during menstruation; 50% of the respondents changed sanitary products three times daily when menstruating, this was followed by 47% who changed twice daily. More than half of them disposed of their used sanitary products by wrapping and putting inthe dustbins. Sanitary facilities were seen to be available and in use during the time of survey.Conclusion: Menstrual hygiene practices among the Basic School girls were good, with socio-economic factors contributing to the use of good disposable menstrual products during menstruation. Sanitary facilities were seen to be available and in use although resources such as running water, soap for hand washing, and sanitary products in the event of an emergency were unavailable.

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